From the Principal's Desk

From the Principal's Desk:

News and notes for Eugene Field Elementary School

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thank you Volunteers!!

This week has been an emotional week starting with the remembrance of 9/11. Thinking about how quickly life can change reminds me to cherish and make the most of every moment with those around you. This is something I witness everyday in our classrooms as students are engaged in their learning and creating action plans.  I have also been impressed with the level of parent engagement here at Field. It is awesome! In the last two weeks I have seen countless volunteers for field trips, 3rd grade Rock-a-palooza,  reading with students, assisting teachers with clerical tasks, Watch Dog Dads, building shelves, painting stripes, and....(I almost hate to name specifics because the list is endless!). On top of what is already going on,  I had a conversation today with a parent who is passionate about expanding parent volunteers for reading/math  skills and after school club opportunities for our students. There are many positive possibilities before us and I'm honored to lead and facilitate the journey a head.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the parent survey. Please know we do utilize this information and it is valuable feedback. We appreciate your time and thoughts.

This last week we had our first Domino's Pizza Night. I have not heard the numbers yet, but I will report back to you when i do. We will have one night each month (2nd Tuesday) and we receive $1.00 from each pizza sold. All of the money raised will be going toward acquiring and updating technology needs in the classroom.

My final thoughts today revolve around birthday celebrations. As you think about celebrating your child's birthday at school,  please be open-minded in thinking about celebrations or treats that are non-food related. With non-food treats you don't have to worry about excluding children with allergies or the wellness policy. I would like to challenge you and your child to think of a unique non-food treat to celebrate at school this year. If you need suggestions please ask your student's teacher.
Thanks for reading!

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