From the Principal's Desk

From the Principal's Desk:

News and notes for Eugene Field Elementary School

Monday, September 26, 2011

Parent Survey Results & Attendance

Thank you to everyone who participated in our parent survey a couple of weeks ago. You provided us with good information to use as we move forward in the PYP evaluation process. Here are some of the comments shared by parents about Field:

"The students see themselves as global citizens and they have an active interest in how to make things better for people all over the world. Also, they are true inquirers and they love to ask questions and find answers."

"I've seen more parental involvement at Field Elementary than I have at any other school. It really feels like a community."

"My child is motivated to think on his own."

We also received some good feedback on areas for growth including communication about the PYP program with parents and community, continuity between grade levels, and concerns for the school's growing population and lack of space. All of these ideas will be enveloped into our Action Plan developed through the evaluation process.

As you all know, attendance at school is vital to a child's success in school. So many valuable learning experiences occur during the day that can not be replicated at home. Here are our classrooms with top attendance from the beginning of the year through mid 1st Quarter:
1. Fisher - 98.63%
2.  Aho - 98.31%
3.  Brown - 98.07%
4. Goings - 98.01%

The SPS goal for attendance is 95%. Please help your child reach their full potential through being at school everyday.

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