From the Principal's Desk

From the Principal's Desk:

News and notes for Eugene Field Elementary School

Friday, August 5, 2011

Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer!
First, I would like to thank the Field community for a wonderful welcome. Your smiles and words of encouragement are helping make this a smooth transition.

Here are some dates of upcoming events:

I'm sure many of you are wondering about class assignments for this school year. We hope to have class lists posted for grades 1-5 on the afternoon of August 12th and kindergarten posted on the afternoon of August 17th. Lists will be posted on the windows and on the Field web site.

Meet the teacher will be August 24th from 7:30 - 9:00 AM.

First Day of School is August 25th. Our school day hours have changed slightly. Our new hours are 8:50 - 3:35. Doors open at 8:20 and students are dismissed to classes at 8:35.  Unless you student is enrolled in Prime Time, they should not arrive before 8:20 because there is no supervision.

We do have 3 early release days this year that are not noted on the district calendar. We will dismiss at 1:35 on November 1, March 6, and May 1.

I'm excited about the new school year and look forward getting to know you and your students.
With the Children in Mind,
Janell Bagwell - Principal, Field Elementary

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